About Michelle Dion

Associate Professor
Political Science
McMaster University
Email: dionm@mcmaster.caWebsite: http://michelledion.com
Twitter profile: @michelledion
Facebook profile: https://www.facebook.com/michelle.dion
LinkedIn profile: http://linkedin.com/in/michelledion/
Biographical sketch and research interests
My research addresses the ways in which economic and political processes produce different social policy outcomes in the developing world, particularly in Latin America. Through the development of theoretical explanations and hypothesis testing combining quantitative and qualitative methodologies, my work addresses key policy questions, including: Why do national social policies vary? What effect does globalization have on policies in developing countries, particularly in Latin America? And, what shapes public preferences for policy? My work demonstrates that the answers to these questions lie at the intersection of political power and institutions. Economic change and domestic political institutions influence the political capacity of groups to shape welfare policy outcomes. More about my book and published papers.