About Milena Ang
Graduate StudentPolitical Science
University of Chicago
Email: milenaang@uchicago.eduWebsite: http://milenaang.com
Twitter profile: @MiloSimpatica
Biographical sketch and research interests
Milena Ang is a PhD candidate in Political Science at the University of Chicago. Her research interests are in the political economy of development, especially corruption and corruption prosecution. Her dissertation project studies the causes and consequences of strategic deployment of corruption prosecutions against high-level politicians. For this, she draws on an original dataset of judicial investigations against governors in Mexico. Ang is also CIR preceptor at the University of Chicago, where she provides academic advice to around 15 students every year. She has had extensive methods teaching, including the core sequence of Social Science Inquiry. Before coming to the University of Chicago, Ang earned a B.A. in Political Science and International Relations from CIDE, Mexico City.