About Karin Kitchens

Assistant Professor

Political Science

Virginia Tech

Fields: American

On Job Market?



Email: karin@vt.edu

Website: http://karinkitchens.com

Google Scholar profile: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=lMFVXdsAAAAJ&hl=en&oi=ao

Twitter profile: @karinkitchens

Biographical sketch and research interests

Dr. Kitchens research focuses on the effects of segregation and diversity on public good investment, particularly for public education. She is an assistant professor in the political science department at Virginia Tech and a nonresident Senior Fellow at the Center for Research on Children in the United States at Georgetown University. She previously worked at RAND Corporation on a variety of subjects including force readiness for the Army and identifying ways to measure teacher effectiveness.  She has a Ph.D. from Georgetown University focusing on American Politics and Political Methodology, a Masters in Statistics, and a BS in Honors mathematics from the University of Tennessee.