About Janet Box-Steffensmeier

Political Science & Sociology
Ohio State University
Email: steffensmeier.2@osu.eduWebsite: https://polisci.osu.edu/people/steffensmeier.2
Twitter profile: @jboxstef
Facebook profile: https://www.facebook.com/janet.boxsteffensmeier
Biographical sketch and research interests
Janet M. Box-Steffensmeier is Vernal Riffe Professor of Political Science and Professor of Sociology (courtesy). (Ph.D., Texas, 1993.) She directs the Program in Statistics and Methodology (PRISM). Box-Steffensmeier served as President of the Midwest Political Science Association and the Political Methodology Society as well as Treasurer of the American Political Science Association. She has twice received the Gosnell Award for the best work in political methodology and the Emerging Scholar Award of the Elections, Public Opinion, and Voting Behavior Section of the American Political Science Association in 2001. She was an inaugural Fellow of the Society for Political Methodology. The Box-Steffensmeier Graduate Student Award, given annually by the Interuniversity Consortium for Political and Social Ressearch (ICPSR) is named after her in recognition of her contributions in political methodology and her support of women in this field. She received a Distinguished Teaching Award from the Political Science Department in 2013, Distinguished Undergraduate Mentor Award in 2009, Warren E. Miller Award for Meritorious Service to the Social Sciences in 2013, the Ohio State University Distinguished Scholar award in 2012, and the Political Methodology Career Achievement Award in 2013. She was appointed as the faculty representative to the Academic Affairs and Student Life Committee of the Ohio State Board of Trustees in 2013 and Dean of Social and Behavioral Sciences in 2014.