About Amanda Weiss
Graduate Student Political Science Yale University Fields: MethodsOn Job Market?
Email: amanda.weiss@yale.edu Website: http://amandakweiss.com Google Scholar profile: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=xIAGNs8AAAAJ&hl=en Twitter profile: @https://x.com/aweisstweetsBiographical sketch and research interests
The primary strand of my research agenda takes up challenges in observational causal inference about policy effects. The second, closely related strand takes up challenges in the study of policy attitudes and accountability, using survey and field experiments. In my dissertation, I specifically study (1) small-sample problems in difference-in-difference estimation of the effects of American state law, especially statistical power and nonparametric solutions for coverage issues; (2) how to induce emotions in experiments so that we can study the impacts of emotions on policy attitudes; and (3) how concerns about trauma and retraumatization can usefully inform political science research. My dissertation is advised by Fredrik Sävje. I hold a BA (2017) and MSSW (2020) from Columbia University.