About Sarah Shugars
Center for Data Science
New York University
Fields: American, Methods
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Email: sarah.shugars@nyu.eduWebsite: http://sarahshugars.com
Google Scholar profile: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=-x89JeEAAAAJ&hl=en&oi=ao
WAKS profile: https://womenalsoknowstuff.com/profile/sarah-shugars
Twitter profile: @Shugars
Biographical sketch and research interests
Dr. Sarah Shugars is a computational political scientist, studying American political behavior and developing new methods in natural language processing, network analysis, and machine learning. They are currently a CDS Moore-Sloan Faculty Fellow at NYU’s Center for Data Science (CDS). Their work focuses on how people express political views, reason about political issues, and engage with others around matters of common concern. They study these phenomena in a variety of settings using a range of methods, including human-subject experiments; large observational corpora of social media and debate transcripts; and dynamic models. Their published work includes multiple studies of engagement in political conversations online, an examination of persuasion and argument strength in formal political debates, and a framework for building core civic skills through interactive games. Dr. Shugars’ substantive focus on political communication, public opinion, and civic participation is enriched by their methodological training; allowing for the identification of methodological gaps and the development of text and network methods needed to pursue research questions within these domains. They currently serves as senior editor for the Good Society: The Journal of Civic Studies, and as a core organizer for the conference on Politics and Computational Social Science (PaCSS). They received their Ph.D. from Northeastern’s Network Science Institute in Spring 2020.